It’s Friday, that means it’s time for Yale Hollander to check in with the St. Louis Independent Comedy Scene!
Analicia returns from New York and settles right into her new role as co-host. Matt Martin of Compass Improv Festival joins in the fun and talks about St. Louis’s upcoming celebration of all things improv. A good time is had by all.
We’re moving the Wind Down’s feed into the Impolite Company main stream. So, Monday through Friday’s episodes will all be in one place for you
Listen to Impolite Company live on WGNU 920 AM’s website from 6-7 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and Wind Down Friday: Presented by Impolite Company every Friday at the same time.. Or listen later on on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and other services! Add us to your daily flash briefing by adding Impolite Company as a skill for Amazon Alexa.