It’s Wind Down Friday, on a Monday
On this special Monday/Black Friday edition of Impolite Company’s Wind-Down Friday, Yale defends holiday music in November, embraces his role as The Woke Curmudgeon and gives us a preview of the first night of the Flyover Comedy Festival’s stand-up and sketch offerings. Analicia vigorously but cheerfully urges restraint on pre-Thanksgiving holiday tunes, and challenges Yale to a game of Shakespeare trivia. Meanwhile, Lyons Den host Sam Lyons texts in to furtively defend the honor of his time slot.

Listen to Impolite Company live on WGNU 920 AM’s website from 6-7 a.m. Monday through Thursday and Wind Down Friday: Presented by Impolite Company every Friday at the same time.. Or listen later on on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and other services! Add us to your daily flash briefing by adding Impolite Company as a skill for Amazon Alexa.