Impolite Company – Episode 03012022: War Pigs

As spring springs, host Chris Cyr, is surprised to have to be talking about war. There probably won’t be a massive nuclear launch. The Sopranos make for good analogies for talking about global politics. Chris proves he owns the CIA Fact Book for the current year. If there was an attack, who’d be left in America? The GOP would ruin the plot of the movie Red Dawn by throwing a parade for the Russian invaders. Josh Hawley is still terrible and out of touch. Fat rich kids are more confident than you’d think. Do they still make mouse pads?

Chris is recording an album on 3/30/2022 at Helium Comedy in St. Louis.

Come out and watch! theme song was written and produced by Lyfestile and Kenautis Smith. Check out their albums, “From Which I Came,” and “Where I’m At” on Spotify, Apple Music, or every other platform. Support independent artists!

Follow Chris Cyr on Twitter and Instagram where he’s @chrisdcyr, and on Facebook. Enjoy this episode of Impolite CompanyListen at the link below, or on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, and whatever other platform you’re into.

Impolite Company: Episode One Hundred Seven – 7/19/18

We just don’t see how we can avoid mentioning Trump’s speech yesterday. You know, the one where you said “would” instead of “wouldn’t,” and accidentally changed all of his context clues to also match the use of the word “would.” That speech.

Don’t work, we get political, but we keep it weird. Like, what’s up with Centaurs?

Impolite Company: Radio, Podcast, and Stand UpListen live on WGNU 920 AM’s website from 6-7 a.m. Monday through Friday.  Or listen later on  on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and other services! Add us to your daily flash briefing by adding Impolite Company as a skill for Amazon Alexa.

Impolite Company: Episode One Hundred Five – 7/16/18

Chris recaps the weekend, wonders why the safety cap on his iced coffee was already popped, and gives Donald Trump some reltionship advice.

Impolite Company: Radio, Podcast, and Stand UpListen live on WGNU 920 AM’s website from 6-7 a.m. Monday through Friday.  Or listen later on  on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and other services! Add us to your daily flash briefing by adding Impolite Company as a skill for Amazon Alexa.