If you’re a regular St. Louis Live listener, you know Yale Hollander from his amazingly effective morning promotional texts, letting listeners know about his upcoming shows. I decided he needed an hour to promote those shows. I had a lot of fun talking with him this morning. Go see him host The Improv Shop Showcase this Saturday night at The Improv Shop.
In addition to Yale’s upcoming shows, we discussed food, how tired I was, the lie that is McDonald’s “Open for Breakfast” sign, and restaurants you can’t go to anymore.
Special thanks to Yale for being my first guest on Impolite Company’s morning wake-up hour. It’s a bit harder than being a hairdresser’s first client, or a surgeon’s first patient, since no one can step in and help when I go off the rails. Yale was fun and engaging while I learned where the buttons are, where the clock is, and that I should start breathing through my nose. Thanks to We Are Live for letting me play in their sandbox.
Keep listening to how this show evolves into what I think will be a fun look at the local comedy scene, and St. Louis in general. And tune in tomorrow when my guest will be Funny Bone regular feature, Scott James. And visit our sponsors, The Crack Fox and The Crow’s Nest!
You can listen below, on iTunes, or on Impolite Company’s homepage!
Impolite Company – 02/1/2018 – Yale Hollander