Impolite Company: Episode Fifty – 4/13/2018 – Max Price


Max Price curates the monthly local showcase at the St. Louis Funny Bone.  It’s a great chance for audiences there to get acquainted with comics they don’t normally see.

List to Max and Chris discuss spiders, torture porn, and other stuff.  Then see him Wednesday 4/18/18 at the next showcase!

Impolite Company: Radio, Podcast, and Stand UpImpolite Company is happy to be part of the St. Louis Live morning block on WGNU 920 AM from 6-7am Monday through Friday. Listen live on the stations website, or listen later on  on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and other services. Or on Impolite Company’s homepage! Add us to your daily flash briefing by adding Impolite Company as a skill for Amazon Alexa.